The Problem of Young Bones

Every day is a little better. There have been no hallucinations in five days. But sometimes, he still slurs his words and sometimes too, when we speak to him, Chase looks at us like we are speaking a different language – like he doesn’t understand – but only sometimes.

So early, early tomorrow morning, we turn to the next thing: some surgery.

A few years ago, Chase’s bones showed signs of locking into place for good – everything his body has been through led his brain to believe that perhaps he was old enough; tall enough.

So at the time, he went through a surgery to place an implant in his arm – the goal of which was to help control puberty and growth – because, you see, too many children with brain tumors loose their endocrine system regulation in the fight.

Anyway, the implant that has been so helpful to him is now in danger of hurting him. His bones are too young now for his body (you can’t make this stuff up), so the implant that served him so well needs to be removed. … tomorrow morning.

If all goes to plan, this will be Chase’s last day in the hospital for a little while, and how we are ready for a rest!

But also, we would so appreciate prayer for the day because, no matter how small, a surgery is still a surgery… and Chase is still Chase.

Moment by moment.

Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone

Psalm 33:22 (NLT)

**May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month #GoGrayInMay**