Chase’s Big Surprise

By now, many of you know that Chase is headed to the Super Bowl in a few weeks, but there was a part two that unfolded even as Chase was in the hospital for his tests this week.

I don’t know how many of you know this, but Chase’s grandparents (Ellie’s parents) took on our entire family, round-the-clock childcare and so much more when Chase was diagnosed with cancer. They gave up an empty nest to house a displaced, confused, way-too-loud family of six and all that entailed.

We can never give them back all the time, but with Robbie Gould’s help, on the eve of Grandpa Poole’s 71st birthday, we were able to pull off the most amazing surprise.

This one goes out to all the caregivers caring for other caregivers. For every soul with a ripped heart who ever comforted their child as they watched a suffering grandchild. 

We see you. 

We know you’re out there. 


And y’all – Chase really needs people on Twitter today using the hashtag “WPMOYChallengeGould” – find “ChaseAwayCancer” on Twitter now and retweet this video or one of the other Robbie-related tweets. If Robbie’s name is the most mentioned on Twitter, then Nationwide Insurance  will donate $25,000 to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

Robbie deserves this. The kids NEED this.

Can you get over on Twitter today, please?

Just a few more hours left to make this happen!

In Which Chase Discovers His Mic


During a recent event at Macy’s historic Walnut Room (which is a story for another blog entirely…), our family had the pleasure of meeting Jon Hansen, a news correspondent and host on Chicago’s WCIU.

Our children immediately fell in love with his energy and joy, and so, when Jon invited Chase and me to come to the west loop to record for his current events show, we were thrilled to join him.

It was a joy to talk about Chase’s cancer story, finding hope, amazing organizations, and other things that you hear me say all the time, but in truth, the best and funniest part – the show stealing element – was, of course, Chase himself. Keeping track of yourself in front of a television camera is one thing…keeping track of a squirrelly six-year-old who just discovered his mic is another thing entirely. 🙂


Interview link:


In Which Chase Goes Golfing

These days, it feels like we are waking up to bad and worse news every day in which coups and killings mix with hate and stealing. At times, even our words aren’t our own and too many are out to take advantage, so today, this week, I want to share something amazing with you.

These pictures represent a whole day of GOOD.

Nope, more than that, actually: a day of WONDERFUL.
It was a day last week when people came together around a common cause and lovingly, sacrificially sought to make a difference in the lives around them.

People were stepping out of their comfort zones left and right and you know what was left on the course?

Love and laughter.

We started as strangers and became family.

And to what end?

Nearly a million dollars raised for Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

So, check it, people…

No matter what’s in your newspaper, your in-box, or your social media feed today, there are a lot of amazing people out there quietly doing wonderful things all day, every day.


Chase with his new special friend and encourager, former Chicago Bears (and super bowl champion!) place kicker, Kevin Butler - you guys, this was a special connection for Chase
Chase with his new special friend and encourager, former Chicago Bears (and super bowl champion!) place kicker, Kevin Butler – you guys, this was a special connection for Chase


With Robbie Gould as we kick off the pairings party
With Robbie Gould as we kick off the pairings party


Bob helps Chase sign his Lurie trading cards
Bob helps Chase sign his Lurie trading cards


Chase tries to jump for a "high five" from former Chicago Bears offensive lineman, Roberto Garza
Chase tries to jump for a “high five” from former Chicago Bears offensive lineman, Roberto Garza


Former Chicago Bulls championship center, Bill Wennington looks up to Chase's friend, superstar Matthew
Former Chicago Bulls championship center, Bill Wennington looks up to Chase’s friend, superstar Matthew


Chase has to get on Bob's shoulders to greet former Chicago Bears offensive tackle, James "Big Cat" Williams
Chase has to get on Bob’s shoulders to greet former Chicago Bears offensive tackle, James “Big Cat” Williams


Chase being Chase with The Ace Foundation's Chris Doucet
Chase being Chase with The Ace Foundation’s Chris Doucet


Spending some time with former White Sox outfielder, Mike Huff
Spending some time with former White Sox outfielder, Mike Huff


Darcy and Harlow (Lurie patient and cancer survivor) show off their many autographs while representing the hospital
Darcy and Harlow (Lurie patient and cancer survivor) show off their many autographs while representing the hospital


Chase gets lessons in using his new selfie stick from NFL quarterback Matt Blanchard
Chase gets lessons in using his new selfie stick from NFL quarterback Matt Blanchard


Chase and Harlow bum a ride on the course with their new best friend, Robbie
Chase and Harlow bum a ride on the course with their new best friend, Robbie


My favorite picture ever - Robbie Gould with some of the Lurie kids and their siblings. The love and joy in this picture is amazing!
My favorite picture ever – Robbie Gould with some of the Lurie kids and their siblings. The love and joy in this picture is amazing!


Amazing Women Alert! Lurie's CMN Director, Morgan Shea poses with Darcy and the Ace Foundation's Chris Doucet.
Amazing Women Alert! Lurie’s CMN Director, Morgan Shea poses with Darcy and the Ace Foundation’s Chris Doucet.

Heartfelt thanks to Robbie Gould, Erica Gabel, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, The Ace Foundation, Chris Doucet, Morgan Shea and all the athletes, vendors, and supporters of this incredible event!

Chase Away Cancer On St. Baldrick’s Today

St. baldricks logoThis week, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation is sharing an exclusive excerpt of Chase Away Cancer in order to help promote the book and fund research. When you purchase a copy through their official link [here], they’re donating 100% of the proceeds to livesaving cancer research. 

I’m so thankful for their advocacy and encouragement to our family and so many others like us. Come on over and read the excerpt! It involves our ambulance hitting a Chicago cab. True story.

Here I’ll get you started…

Despite medical intervention, Chase’s fever continued to rise and his heart rate wouldn’t come down. The doctors came and went, talking to us and then stepping out in the hall to phone Chase’s other doctors and make plans.

Chase himself was in fairly good spirits as he’d been given stickers and a comfortable, soft pair of yellow hospital pants, but monitors don’t lie. His heart rate was staying way too high while the fever hovered around 104.

After repeated sessions of consulting with us and stepping into the hallway to get on the phone with Dr. Lulla and Chase’s team, all the white coats concurred: Chase needed to “go home”…

For the rest of this exclusive book excerpt, click here.

Click here for the second part of the story.  -MbM

Chase Away Cancer @ Anderson’s Bookshop

I’m a Naperville girl, born and bred, and so it gives me great pleasure to tell you that I’ll be in my home town signing books very soon!

You guys, Anderson’s Bookshop in downtown Naperville has agreed to take this crazy, sweatpants-wearing mama and let her show up for a talk and signing just like a real author. Can you even…?

Here’s what you need to know:

  • This event is on Saturday, June 4th at 2:00PM
  • You can contact the store to purchase a copy of Chase Away Cancer either in person, online, or over the phone. [Anderson’s Bookshop]
  • When you purchase Chase Away Cancer through Anderson’s, you will be given a number indicating your position in the book signing line.
  • I will be giving a short talk starting at 2:00PM and then after a brief time of Q&A — signing!

[please note: store policy prohibits books being brought to the signing from other retailers, so getting your copy directly from Anderson’s is key.]

Now, more importantly… WHY:

I told my mom about this event and because she gave birth to me, I know she’ll be there.  Well, I hope she’ll be there… But the one thing she asked me is “Why are people who might already have purchased the book elsewhere going to want to take a chunk out of their busy Saturday to come and buy another book just to have you sign it?”

Self-esteem building questions aside… Here’s why I think you should come to Anderson’s, buy a book, and have me sign it for you.

  • I believe in my heart that this story is worth hearing and so, if you already have one copy, buy a bunch as Christmas presents! (You’re welcome.) Or, perhaps there’s just one person on your heart who needs their own copy… Now is the time.
  • I believe that the more people show up at this wonderful event, the less likely dear, sweet Anderson’s is to call my publisher and say “You’ve got to be kidding us… Never again.”
  • I believe that this is a brief, very small (but hopefully very great) way to rally for childhood cancer. I’d love to see this bookshop so packed that people walking down the busy weekend streets of the city stop and think to themselves “Wow, what’s that about? Maybe this is something I should read…maybe that’s something I should know about.”

So that’s my my story and I’m sticking to it. Because I wrote it.

I SO hope to see you there!

And until then…

Moment by moment.

Meet Ellie (1)