You Are Loved

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.” Lamentations 3:22

“I can’t do this.”

His precious little mouth contorted on the one side – the way it always did when he became scared. “Mom, I’m not a first grader. I can’t do this. I need to go back to kindergarten.”

Behind his back, the window glowed with the last remnants of the sunset, signaling night…the night before school.

Chase shook his fuzzy, scarred head with each new sentence of voiced fear. After months of proudly proclaiming his being in first grade now and – including outrageous claims for privilege (“I should get to stay up late at night and watch Netflix because I’m a first-grader now, Mom.”) – the time had finally come and he felt himself unequal to the road in front of him.

His words flooded my heart as I heard echoes of my own timid voice in memory. Through his cancer, the ambulances, the hospitals, childbirth, even marriage… big things. Life things.

I can’t do this. God, I’m not ready for this.

I’m too young…

Too immature…

Too imperfect…

Too scared…

I need more time to prepare.

To get it right…

To be aware…

To make it count…

But here’s the thing with life… When I am blind-sided with my weakness and need, God is aware of the plan – my perfect life plan. And when things feel underdone and undone, out-of-nowhere, frenzied and stressed, He alone knows the ways to make them count for my good and His glory.

I knelt in front of Chase and put my hands lightly on his arms. Oh, how I wanted him to listen and connect with the words I needed to say. “Chase, you can and you will – because you are ready. It doesn’t feel like it yet, but you’re ready;” I paused, searching for the right words, “And, you are loved.”

You are loved.

In the hard moments when our brains acknowledge our good and His glory, but daily life throws gut punches that leave us lacking, gasping “I can’t do this”, it comes down to those very few words: I am loved; you are loved. These are the conduit from our head to our heart – from knowing what’s true to believing and resting in what’s good: His faithful love.

This had become a key sentence with my darling cancer survivor over the last several months. With his age and progression comes the increasing sense of “other”. He knows he looks different from those around him and often reacts differently too. He is strong, but it takes precious little for the remorse and regret to set in – and the fear too. I watch him feel unequal to the road in front of him and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that only perfect love can conquer this fear. And I know because I feel my own weakness, sadness and fear.

So, in the sunset before that August big day, as Chase lay his head down to sleep in that sixth year of a life we never thought he’d have, I grabbed the first piece of paper I could find (for it’s the words that are most important, not on what they are written) and I wrote what I believe…what I know and too often forget: You are loved. And then I tucked it, folded small into the blue top pocket of the crisp, new backpack to be found on the bus the next morning.

For truly, these words give a strength and joy like none other. And with these words, we are ready for anything life may bring – in His grace – moment by moment.

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1a

“Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.” Deuteronomy 6:7-8


Farther Along

Farther along we’ll know all about it
Farther along we’ll understand why
Cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We’ll understand this, all by and by… Josh Garrels

The word is in and the news is out: we’ve been given the gift of more time. It’s a heady feeling and a deep one too as the responsibility of shepherding such an incredible, atypical life is something we do not take lightly.

In the last two days, Chase has had a complete brain and spine MRI, an ECHO, a hearing test, a procedure to clean his ears and check for tubes, and a hearing re-test – in addition to meeting with his endocrinology and neuro-oncology teams. The days have been physically and emotionally packed and Chase did an AMAZING job – even undergoing an IV and the MRI sedation process with less medicine than usual; a decision that made him far more cognizant during needle pain and separation from us.

Chase’s hearing is going, but is stable for now (no more excuses about “not hearing you say to clean up, Mom“…) and the ventricles of his heart are strong (something we do not take for granted in a post-chemo body).

And now, the moment of truth: the MRI…


The monitored growths continue to expand, but all teams involved feel optimistic that they don’t show cancer characteristics. The biggest concern right now is that the largest growth is getting close to a ventricle and that scenario requires both careful monitoring and possible intervention. There are also a few cavernomas (a cluster of abnormal blood cells) that are making themselves known and grown on the last few scans and those too will bear watching. In other words, for good, bad, and broken, Chase’s brain is showing the scars of its battle wounds.

This farther along day brings some answers, some more oxygen with which to breath, and a few things on which to take action.

First, while Chase’s official scans will be moved to even further intervals (a year!), he still needs to have small scans of the ventricles every six months to monitor growths and cavernomas.

Now, it is the time to prayerfully, carefully pursue growth hormone with the endocrine team as Chase’s poor, little body can’t do this on its own. More on this in the coming months, I know.

And last, well, the last thing I have to tell you deserves it’s very own written space. Stay tuned…

Moment by moment.

Chase checks out his MRI films with Dr. Lulla and Dr. Hartsell


As you sit at your computer, sit by your phone to read these words, we are waiting.

I hate waiting.

And yet, waiting is life and life is waiting. We wait for things to begin and wait for things to end. We wait in and for everything from the right person to marry to the right line in the grocery store. We curse it when it inconveniences us and bless it when it brings good news, but the one thing we can’t do is escape it. There is no express lane for the verdict of doctors. There is no easy button for life trials and ‘thorns in the flesh’.

Today, while we wait for Chase and maybe we hold our breath and say one more prayer as he drifts off to sleep, the truth is that Chase is one of many. How many people sit someplace waiting for life-changing news, life-stabilizing news?

Are you waiting?

Are you called to partner with someone who is waiting?

Today and always, we stand with you in the wait. You are not alone.

These things might be painful, but there is and will be beauty in them. There will be hope in them because God is good. And to this, we cling.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning. Psalm 130:5-6

Moment by moment.

When The Evening Comes

Today, Matt Redman releases his new book, “10,000 Reasons: Stories of Faith, Hope, and Thankfulness Inspired By The Worship Anthem”.

When David C. Cook sent me a copy of the book a few weeks ago, I was delighted to read this book not only because Chase’s story is featured (for real!!), but also because we have met and come to love Matt and his heart for worship and I couldn’t wait to dive into that same joy on a page. So, I mentally prepared myself to feel blessed and inspired by the stories of this light, 164-page read.

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What I wasn’t prepared for was the complete challenge and theological depth that pervaded every single page. I expected this to be a learning experience through others stories – and it is that. But it is also full of gentle soul-preaching: the act of spinning these stories out into a greater understanding of the heart of God found in the Word. Each story thread from Matt’s own life and the lives of others is tied back into the bond of who we are in Christ and who Christ is to us — making these pages anything but “light reading”, and oh, so rich!

You guys, for lack of a better metaphor in this moment (I can’t think of brilliant things when I’m super excited – which I am – about this book!), this work is like a protein shake for your soul. It will replenish you in ways you didn’t even know you were hungry.

Too often, when I hear words like what Matt and Jonas wrote into the “10,000 Reasons” song, there’s a part of me that wants to say: “Well, that’s all very well and good to want to be singing when the evening comes..but I wonder how you’d feel if your life were ever really difficult. What would you write then?”

Gauntlet = thrown. Christ = proved again and again.

For, as this book will show you both in the life of Matt and in others around him, God is found to be enough and singing is possible in the evening not because hardship has never been experienced but rather because they’re in the middle of it!  The worship is often sweeter in the suffering because our heart cry is not just wished upon the “some day” of Revelations 21, but is proved again and again in the now. He is our God and He is with us always.

I would highly encourage you to grab a copy of this book and make it a priority even in these last of the summer days. You will be refreshed and encouraged to press on –

Moment by moment.

Our scars are signs of God’s grace in our lives – signs that we’ve been through something and that we have made it to the other side. They remind us that we are not where we once were and that God has brought about a victory in our lives. Our wounds may have been dark, but the promise of God’s love has been tested and proved in our lives. When we look back, yes we see pain, but more than anything we see provision and protection, and the ways God has made us ‘fruitful in the land of our suffering’. -Redman, page 128-129

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[You guys, I need you to know that Matt’s publisher sent me a copy of the book as a gift because Chase appears in one of the chapters. There was no official expectation or request for a review. This is just me being me. 🙂 ]

Breaking Down The MRI Results – VIDEO

We’ve now heard from all of Chase’s teams.

Here’s a little update with a breakdown of what happened with the MRI and what comes next.

And because I love you, I recorded a video instead of writing a blog. But don’t worry, I won’t leave my day job. xo

#MomentByMoment #ChaseAwayCancer